Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
bird watching journals
I haven't used these, but they look interesting.
If you have, let me know what you think.
For more information,
click here.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
pigeons looking for a clean Porsche
No -- this picture was not taken by me, but rather by Sam Javanrouh and it does have birds.
I've been subscribing to his daily emails since I enjoy his use of extreme wide angle lenses at perspectives that appear normal -- contrary to most other extreme wide angle shots. He is careful to have parallel verticals & exemplary in accurate exposure for what are often cloudy or night views.
As nature/bird photographers we often forget that there is more to photography. One exception among the blogs I visit regularly is John Mikes of the Weekend Shooter. Another who has just gotten into wide angle shooting is Craig of Craig's Birds.
They and Sam are inspiring me to look at wide angle shooting (which seems contrary to most ideas of nature/bird photography). I plan to do so when I take off next Thursday for a week of bird photography in Eastern South Dakota out of Blue Cloud Abbey.
For more of Sam's pictures, go to his site here and explore his talent. If you like what you see, sign up for the daily emails -- they certainly brighten my day and challange me to do better.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Would you believe 8 megapixels?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
go light
(rather than the 500 f/4), the 70-200 f/4 (rather
than the f/2.8, and the EOS-40D bodies (rather than
the EOS-1D MARK bodies) turned out to be a great way
for me to go. This is the same combo that I went with
on the Wild Britain Cruise.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
LG Secret
The LG Secret is a new 5 megapixel camera-phone that can also shoot DivX video at 120fps. At just 11.8mm thick, the LG Secret is the slimmest 5 megapixel camera phone on the market. Photo and video editing features include facial editing and SmartLight, a feature that automatically adjusts the picture’s light settings. After its European launch, the LG Secret will be launched in Asia and South America, followed by the rest of the world.
If this phone were available in the U.S. today, I'd be tempted! Since I almost always carry my cell phone, I would almost always have a 5 megapixel camera with me.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
test of blog with new settings
the text & picture area to allow 640 pixel wide pictures. I think I've accomplished
this by narrowing the old margins from 1.5" to about 3/8" for the full page, i.e., the
light yellow margins on the left and right.
Next I had to widen the internal text area to accommodate 640 pixel pictures.
The result is what you see here.
- Through Blogger's Dashboard locate your blog, click on Layout, then click on Edit HTML.
- Scroll down to: #content-wrapper and change width from 760px to 950.
- Scroll down to: #main-wrapper and change margin-left from 14 to 20px.
- Change the width from 468 to 640px.
- Scroll down to: #sidebar-wrapper and change margin right from 14 to 20px.
the BIG picture
He suggested a modification in the edit mode to create larger pictures. If you will look at my July 17th post, you will note that the first an last pictures are substantially larger. However, Richard's method did not work well on the pictures I posted yesterday -- they ended up being cropped. I then realized that I had not followed instructions: Richard points out that one needs to use a blog template with a stretch (or wider) format. If this interests you, Richard's instructions are posted on his blog.
Before doing anything, you may want to download your blog's template so that you can get back to the original format, should you want to do so.
I'm experimenting with trying to keep my blog's template, but modifying it to make the main text area wider; I think I may have the answer, but I quit after midnight last night as I was getting "fuzzy." If I'm successful, I'll let you know.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
more of Ospreys in flight
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ospreys in flight
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
conserving Boreal birds
You can read more about this fantastic news on the Boreal Bird Blog.
coming home
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
missed shots
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Below is just one shot -- it may be a couple of days before I get to edit some more that are worth sharing. All were taken with my Canon 20D on a tripod with Canon's f5.6 400mm lens -- for some shots I added the 1.4x extender, but since it generally slows down the autofocusing I try to avoid it for flight shots.
Friday, July 11, 2008
great shot
-- anon.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
more ID issues
Friday, July 4, 2008
birds & trout?
Thursday, July 3, 2008
What is it?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I decided to go back to the South Forest Lake location I've been writing about for the last week or so. I hoped to get better pictures of the Yellow-headed Blackbirds and Bobolinks in particular.
I spent 2 to 3 hours there and didn't see either species! I did find other birds I will post and ask you to help me identify. However, tonight I'm going to share some pictures of the many Killdeer that frequent the area.