Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Don't even THINK about going there!

It was a beautiful afternoon today! I decided to check out Carlos Avery. I know that most springs the roads are closed for a while; however, I didn't bother calling since I knew I would enjoy the drive anyway. Well -- the roads were open -- although I don't know why. I made the mistake of driving in off the Zodiac entry only to find there was no way to turn around -- so I had to keep going. My rwd sedan has traction control, but is low to the ground -- how I made it to Pool 10 I don't know! I certainly wasn't going to go back the same way -- so I tried driving around to the west and Pool 3. That was not good. I managed to turn around -- the plan was to go north and head east to Wyoming. This was the worst stretch yet! I met two 4wd pickups who were struggling! But after a number of prayers and earnest bargaining -- I did make it to Wyoming & I-35.
My advice: don't go there yet! And when you do, if you find mud, rest assured it will be worse further on.

And my reward for all this effort?

One lonely goose on the far side of Pool 9.