Sunday, March 22, 2009

Prairie Chickens, Coyotes, Eagles & Ducks

a week ago Saturday, our group was on the road with a guide looking for Prairie Chicken leks

many Sandhills were already in the air looking for feeding grounds

the roads looked as if they could be a challenge, but Stan's driving skills were exemplary

finally! a lek!
however, without being in a blind we could not approach close enough for photos
our looks were limited to 30x spotting scope eyepieces
we did see prairie chickens jumping high into the air doing their courtship thing
the sounds were exciting, something I had never heard before
next time, I want to be in a blind!

but I was excited to get this shot of a coyote not too far from us
it did glance our way, but otherwise ignored us

a little later, this Bald Eagle provided excitement by chasing a Snow Goose
the Eagle was not successful

a few miles later we came upon this goose that was not as lucky

while not hunting for food, Bald Eagles also like to "play around"

the many potholes in the area were full of ducks

more to follow