Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday afternoon

This afternoon was a tossup. Do I venture out beyond my yard, or, do I stay home & do what has to be done? The dark clouds with intermittent glimpses of the sun convinced me of some coming rain -- so, I opted to stay home & enjoy my yard Robin and the White-breasted Nuthatch. (We did end up with a wet driveway from a little bit of rain.)
Also, I had company for an afternoon grilling session; I prepped pork chops -- they brought Two Buck Chuck (there's a new Trader Joe's that just opened in Maple Grove).
The Two Buck Chuck Merlot (actually three bucks) was really quite good, especially considering the price.
Tomorrow is another day -- if only I didn't have to get stuff together for my tax return -- and some work for a client.
My final chore for the day was to do a post on my other blog, Ivars' Voice. If you haven't checked it out, take a look.